Month: October 2018

Why I Wish Life Could Be More Like A Concert

Here I sit in the Fall of 2018, nearing a mid-term election. A Supreme Court nomination process is underway that has been graphic and nauseating to watch, no matter who you support.Tempers are flaring, there is animosity no matter which political party you align yourself with. Facebook is filled with angry, emotional posts trying to persuade others to a new understanding which will in turn influence a vote, or at the very least, an opinion.

I will be honest, I don’t discuss politics with anyone unless it’s family or my very closest friends. I have a strict “no politics on Facebook” rule for myself. I much prefer the photos of my friends’ children and pets. I love a good viral video that depicts average every day people doing for others and taking care of people in their community. Give me a “feel-good” love story any day. But…politics on social media? Not a good idea, in my humble opinion.

I want to go back to the days when you did not know what political party your friends, mentors and teachers aligned with. You really did not care, to be honest. I grew up in a time when it was taboo to even discuss who you voted for. My parents would not even tell me who they voted for because they believed it was a sacred right, and one that was meant to be exercised with individual research and with respectful privacy. It pains me that my own daughters have never been alive during a time in which there was not ugly, visceral, division between liberals and conservatives. Everyone has to have a label: Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Right Wing, Progressive, and so on.

How I wish the labels could be more like this: free-thinker, independent-minded, patriotic, advocate for the down-trodden, lover of fellow-men. I think we have lost sight of the fact that we are all human. Regardless of differing opinions, we all feel pain.

I’ve had the good fortune of attending several live concerts in the past year.  I have noticed that every time I attend one of these events I leave feeling happy. I sit amongst thousands of strangers for a few hours and I don’t hate any of them. In fact, I might even feel warmth towards these strangers, and if I’m really fortunate, I leave having made a new friend. In my opinion, music, and the arts in general, are unifying. They weave common, universal life experiences and emotions together to form a song, a play, a piece of art. It’s these common life experiences that expose the humanity that we all share as citizens of the planet. Music has the ability to transcend time and take you back to the day you first heard it. For example, when I listen to U2 Joshua Tree, I immediately go back to my senior year in high school because that was the soundtrack that played in the background of my life that year. It was the first concert I attended without my parents. It takes me back to the days when my only concerns were what I was going to do on the weekend, and how to keep my bangs trained to spike up just right. Concerts bring together people from all walks of life, all income levels, and all generations. For those few hours you get to escape reality and get caught up in music and emotions and it transcends all of our differences. It makes me wish life could be more like a concert.

I’m not foolish enough to think this is possible. I understand that daily life is filled with problems, and issues in our personal and professional lives. I understand the complexity of life and social issues, and I am not idealistic enough to believe we can ever go back to a time when we care more about people’s character and inner spirits than their political leanings. I just wish we could try a little harder with each other. I wish we could put down our phones, look around us, acknowledge and engage with people and seek little ways to help those in need. I believe this would feel as good to us as when we used to lift the lighters in the concert, swaying to the music and taking in that big room of other people who were doing and feeling the very same emotions. I believe we all have more commonalities as people than we have differences, but I think we are going to have to look a little deeper to see them.  Perhaps we need to listen more and the let the music, that is life, play without us trying to add so much background noise, lest we be forced to put in the earplugs and risk not being able to hear the music at all.

Instagram vs Reality: The College Drop-Off

This is the photo we posted on social media on the day we moved our daughter into her dorm to begin her freshman year at college. Everything is stylish and new, and it looks like she has it all together.

Last year, my oldest daughter started college, and although it was a very exciting time for all of us, it was filled with stress and anxiety as well. In my opinion, most of us are guilty of sharing only the “highlight reels” of our lives with others. We want people to see the best versions of us, and it can leave others feeling “less than” and diminished if there experiences are not the same as what they see in the photos they scroll through. I wrote about the reality of our college experience and the article was published here at Grown and  This was my first published piece of writing.  After giving their site 6 exclusive months, I am finally able to post it here. I hope it encourages others who will go through the same feelings.

This is the photo taken as we said goodbye. It was a more accurate representation of how we felt that day…but not one we would have chosen to share on Instagram.

                       A Tale of Two Photos

I find myself looking at a photo. It’s not just any ordinary, everyday photo…it’s the photo my husband took of me as I hugged my daughter the moment we were about to leave her at her dorm to begin her freshman year of college.  I had NO IDEA he had taken the photo.  I mean, this was not a planned photo opp. I would have never allowed this very personal moment to be staged and archived for all eternity (or for at least as long as digital photos will last). Looking at it now, though, I am very grateful for this photograph that captured such an emotional moment in time. I am happy that I was unaware of the photo until very recently, however.  It would have been too painful to look at.  There were other photos, too. There was the one of her and her younger sister smiling atop her lofted bunk bed depicting a Pinterest worthy decorated space, complete with Pottery Barn Teen comforter and “artsy” wall decor. This was the one we posted on social media for the world to see. The “Insta-worthy” photo showed that we had it all together, we were ready for this “college thing”, and we had the stylish dorm to prove it.  We would have never posted the one my husband took. It was too real, too raw for us to show how we really felt.

You see, my first-born is an empath, a “feeler”. She has been ever since she was born.  It’s a wonderful trait because it makes her passionate and empathetic.  She is a musician and loves theatre and filmmaking. Being a “feeler” makes her better at all of those things she enjoys so passionately. On the flip side, It can also be a curse, because she feels EVERYTHING more strongly than most.  New situations were often a struggle for her as a young child, and I was concerned about how this college transition would affect her. 

Those first few weeks were not easy. She went through Sorority recruitment, and had a negative experience and decided it wasn’t for her, so she dropped out after 3 days.  That made the first weekend in the dorm pretty rough for her.  Watching all of the other girls receive bids was very painful, even though she had chosen her own course.  Fortunately for her, she lived close enough to home to be able to come back for the weekend so she would not have to be in the heart of all the sorority festivities.  That situation would eventually be resolved in her favor, as she received a bid from a sorority after Recruitment ended from a group she absolutely loves.  It was a bit of a non-traditional sorority recruitment, which was fitting for my free-thinking daughter. 

There were days where things went really well, and days where she would be so stressed out that she would call on the verge of tears.  There was that one night when she actually called at midnight in a full-out cry from the steps outside her dorm (I cannot remember why she was upset now), but some stranger (or two) had walked by and offered her encouragement and tried to impart to her that she was not alone. This night stands out to my husband and myself as one of the worst we have had. Having your child distraught and not being able to do anything about it is one of the most gut-wrenching feelings that ever existed. Those moments are when you have to trust that God is using those experiences to grow your chid’s faith. I will forever be thankful to those strangers, whom I believe God placed in her path.  But note…we don’t remember now why she was so upset. Feelings are fleeting, and It’s important to try to keep things in perspective.

Time has passed, rather quickly I might add, and she has completed her first year of college. She has a 4.0 GPA, sings in the Schola Cantorum at her University, is involved in her sorority, and sings with the worship team for our church’s campus ministry.  She survived a break-up of a 14 month high school relationship with a few normal emotional scars to show for it.  She moved back home for the summer, and brought all of that Pinterest worthy dorm gear with her. Funny how it doesn’t look as “Instaworthy” all strewn out over the floor of our spare bedroom.  She just got her first part-time job, and in August will be moving into an apartment with 2 great young women whom she met this year. She is well on her way to “adulting”.  Her Dad and I could not be prouder of her.

We recently helped her move her things out of the dorm, which, by the way, is much less stressful than moving them in! I made sure my husband took a photo of my daughter and me in the empty dorm room.  The emotions on our faces are so different than they were on the day we left her.  She has been through so much this year; Some wonderful experiences, and some pretty awful ones.  Because we are so close, I feel as I have been through it with her.  With any kind of growth, I believe we must experience some pain.  Which brings me back to that first picture.  My husband was surprised when I asked him to “share” his photo with me. He wondered why I would want to look at it again and put myself in the position to remember those feelings. But, for me, being able to compare the “before and after” photos was very healing. I believe that photo shows the fear of the unknown and the loss of childhood that comes with leaving home. It’s as if she were a caterpillar about to create her cocoon (maybe myself as well).  Now that freshman year is over, I believe she has begun to shed her cocoon.  

My hope is that by sharing this story, it will help others whose transition isn’t all “Instagram” perfect.  If your kid is one of those who can leave home with a smile and never look back, then I say “hooray…be happy for them.  But if you have one of those “feelers” you may have a few sad looking photos to look back on as they are about to enter their cocoon. But take heart,have faith, and pray harder than you ever have and chances are you willI see beautiful butterfly wings emerging just like we do. 

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